Why is there no goat milk in our lotions?
Here’s the deal, we LOVE all the wonderful benefits of goat milk in our soaps, but putting goat milk in lotions can be problematic. Trust me, we tried…and tried. Goat milk in lotion simply isn’t stable without a level of preservatives that we aren’t comfortable using. I mean, the whole reason we started this gig was to get rid of chemicals. We did some testing, and the majority of the goat milk lotion we bought from other companies and had tested came back positive for all kinds of gunk like mold, fungus, e-coli, staph, & strep. Gross! Goat milk works great in soap because it goes through a saponification process that makes preservatives unnecessary, but lotions are a different story. It really isn’t needed anyway. Once you’ve bathed or showered with our goat milk products, our lotions are a perfect way to add more moisture, and then lock in all the goodness.
Why are our soaps lighter in color than most goat milk soaps you’ve seen?
The short answer is - we just prefer the look of a creamy white bar of soap. But, here’s the technical answer - all of our soaps are cold processed, and we keep them cool from beginning to end. We never heat our milk or oils over 110° F, and once molded, our soaps are refrigerated while they harden. This process takes longer for the bars to firm up and cure, and therefore isn’t preferred with most soap makers, but we just really like how a creamy white bar of soap looks sitting next to your tub or in your shower. We also don’t color our soaps with any dyes or clays. We like our soaps simple and natural.
What is Sodium Hydroxide?
Sodium hydroxide is a caustic soda known as lye. It is a an inorganic compound with the formula NaOH. It is dangerous, caustic, and needs to be handled with extreme caution. All that being said, it completely safe in soap once it has gone through the saponification process, and there is no such thing as soap without lye. Without the lye you’d be left with a pile of mush and oils. The lye actually combines with some of the molecules of the oils and turns them into soap. So, technically no soap is “all natural”, but we keep our product as close to nature as we can get, and still call it soap.
What is the shelf life of our products?
Soap has a very long shelf life, and actually will last longer in the shower the longer it is allowed to cure. However, the fragrance of the essential oils will start to diminish after too long. We suggest you use our soaps and milk baths within 6 months to get the best experience. In our lotions we use a mild preservative that consists of ingredients that have been granted GRAS (generally regarded as safe) status, and are accepted by ECOCERT as certified organic. Lotion without any preservative is not safe. When the water and oils are emulsified together a perfect habitat is created for mold and all kinds of yucky bacteria to grow. We have found a combination of the plant-based, organic ingredients gluconolactone and sodium benzoate to be effective at preventing mold and bacterial growth. Our lotions don’t require refrigeration, and have a shelf life of about a year.
Does all the milk we use come from our farm?
We are a small operation, and our goats are our babies. We don’t ever want to treat our goats like milk machines. We give our girls breaks between breeding, and allow their milk production to dry up as nature intended. If we don’t have a goat in milk, there is always someone in our Nigerian Dwarf goat community that we trust to buy fresh, raw, organic milk from.
Why Young living essential oils?
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